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What is therapy?

Therapy can help with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other mental health disorders. There are many different approaches available today, each focused on different needs, which emphasizes learning skills to address current or future problems. Others focus on past experiences or patterns that are hard to overcome without professional help.


Here at Ample Grace Psychiatry, we support our patients through various evidenced-based therapy modalities, including EMDR, Prolonged exposure therapy, Cognitive processing therapy, DBT, CBT, and ACT.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy 

What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy?

EMDR is a psychotherapy that helps people recover from the emotional distress and symptoms brought on by upsetting life experiences. The patient and the therapist collaborate to pinpoint upsetting events.

Reducing the distress brought on by traumatic experiences is the goal of EMDR therapy. This approach is applied to people who are suffering trauma responses, people with substance or alcohol use disorders, as well as those who have had particular previous traumas.

How does it work?

In EMDR, the patient is encouraged to concentrate on a trauma memory for a brief period of time while concurrently receiving bilateral stimulation, usually in the form of eye movements. This is linked to a decrease in the traumas’ vividness and emotional response. It is a well-researched psychotherapy approach that has been shown to help in the recovery of patients with trauma and PTSD symptoms.

EMDR can be an excellent choice if you’ve tried other therapy approaches with limited success or have been diagnosed with PTSD, depression, or anxiety.

Who can benefit from EMDR?

People with anxiety, depression, phobias, OCD, chronic pain, addictions, PTSD, and trauma.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

What is Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)?

DBT aids patients in managing challenging emotions and the problematic behaviors that correspond with them. It can be incredibly isolating to deal with difficult situations and feelings. It may result in self-destructive coping mechanisms as an attempt to comprehend or defuse emotions. This can reinforce anxiety and serves to foster feelings of isolation.

How does it work?

The emphasis of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is mostly on social and emotional aspects. Through DBT, you can develop the skills necessary to change bad habits, deal with stress, control strong emotions, and create a meaningful life.

Who can benefit from DBT?

People who struggle with:

Substance abuse


Borderline Personality Disorder

Severe depression

Bipolar disorder

CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)

What is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-established evidence-based approach to treating addiction and other mental health issues. We can help you to identify and challenge the thoughts and behaviors that are driving you to use so that you can better manage your life.

How does it work?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of intervention that helps people question their beliefs about who they are and the situations around them. In order to alter deeply rooted, recurrent thought patterns that influence emotions and behavior, cognitive behavioral therapy supports patients in recognizing and modifying these thought patterns over time.

During these sessions, the therapist will assist you in recognizing these problematic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and then push you to come up with healthy ways of handling them.

Who can benefit from CBT?

CBT is a widely recognized evidence-based treatment for substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. A complex thought and behavior pattern that has been cultivated over many years is what pushes addiction. Recovery requires you to break these patterns, and CBT can assist you in doing so.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) combines mindfulness and acceptance techniques to improve behavior. It guides patients to accept their thoughts, feelings, memories, and experiences in order to bring about positive change by noticing them or practicing mindfulness. It integrates acceptance-based techniques and mindfulness with the current behavioral and cognitive therapies.

How does it work?

ACT recognizes that we will all unavoidably go through challenging or unpleasant events in life. The issue is not with thoughts, feelings, or urges but rather by the way we react to them. This can include avoidance or other emotional control tactics such as attempting to suppress negative feelings or refraining from thinking about painful thoughts.

Who can benefit from ACT?

This therapy is often used to treat anxiety and depression without using medication. It teaches patients how to respond differently to their negative emotions and ideas so that these thoughts cannot influence them.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

What is Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)?

A traumatic event’s effects on a person’s life are examined through Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), which also assists in reviewing and altering negative beliefs and feelings about the traumatic event. For many different trauma varieties, it works well in treating PTSD. For those who have gone through sexual abuse, combat, or other traumatic events as children, CPT has proven to be effective.

How does it work?

Addressing the thought patterns that could keep a person “stuck” and prevent them from recovering from PTSD symptoms and other issues is a crucial component of treatment.  The goal of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) is to assist the patient in developing new perspectives about both themselves and other people.

Who can benefit from CPT?

People who have PTSD can improve through Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT).

Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD

What is Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD?

Prolonged Exposure therapy includes breathing retraining, psychoeducation about typical responses to trauma, and repeated exposure to non-threatening situations or things that the patient avoids because of their past trauma.

How does it work?

In order to help patients with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy teaches them to deal with memories, feelings, and events associated with trauma in a progressive way. The fear reaction may be strengthened by avoiding things that remind them of the trauma they experienced in Saint Paul MN, and Rochester MN. A person can actively learn that trauma-related memories and signals are not risky and do not need to be avoided, which helps reduce PTSD symptoms. This can be achieved by facing what has been avoided. To feel more comfortable and less afraid, patients engage with their therapist in a safe, progressive approach to confront fear-inducing stimuli and situations that bring up memories of the trauma.

Who can benefit from PE therapy?

People who have PTSD can improve through Prolonged Exposure (PE) therapy.